Cso Hack Speaker To Forever

Cso hack speaker:

1.Mula2 beli Small / Large Speaker atau beli kedua2nya...(Hari Rabu)( Cso Maintenance Pada Hari Rabu dan Akan Disconnect Dalam pukul 11:00 hingga pukul 1:00)...

2.(kat lobby)pada pukul 10:55 small/Large atau kedua2nye SPAM speaker sampai tinggal 0.

3.lepas tu tunggu je kat lobby sampai Disconnected from server ( tunggu sahaja jangan buat apa2 )

4.(Pada Pukul 1:00 Petang)Login semula Account Anda , JGN BUKAK EQUIPT

5.pergi ke speaker>Spam sampai 2-3 kali dan akan jd cmni -1 -2 -3....

6.lepas tu log out account cso anda dan login semula..dan check speaker..ianya akan jadi mcm ni:
click gambar untuk tengok dengan lebih jelas

NOTES:Done Hack Speaker To Forever


in English:

This hack require:
You need a large / small speaker.

This hack only work before the Maintainaince time , 10:59 am

1.Log on to your id.
2.Open speaker at the Lobby.
3.Spam the Speaker until it left 0.
4.Stay at the lobby and wait for disconnect from server. ( Don't click anywhere , Just stay )
5.After you disconnect from server , you can't log on to your id again.
6.You need to wait 2 hours.
7.After 2 hours , log on to your id back.
8.Open speaker at the Lobby ( Dont open Equipt )
9.Spam the speaker but you will see 0 , If you trying to spam it will be -234567898

If you spam as much you can , it will be 2476589230934

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